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How to Make a Fantastic First Impression

           You never have to worry again about how you're going to come across, because when you apply these psychological secrets, you'll be able to make the very best first impression, every time. Whether in personal or professional situations, these secrets will give you the winning edge over your competition. Remember that these techniques, Get Anyone to Like You  every Time, work in complementary fashion; review both in order to have all of your psychological weapons in line so you can carefully devise your strategy.

The number-one tactic for generating a favourable first impression is the easiest to do:

Smile!  Smiling accomplishes four powerful things: It conveys confidence, happiness, and enthusiasm, and most important, it shows acceptance. People who smile are perceived as confident because when we are nervous or unsure about ourselves or our surroundings we tend not to smile. 

Smiling, of course, conveys happiness and we are drawn to happy people: We simply view them more favourably. Enthusiasms essential to making a good impression because it's contagious.

Your smile shows that you are pleased to be where you are and to meet this person and he in turn becomes more interested in meeting you.

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Finally, smiling conveys acceptance and lets the other person know that you unconditionally accept who he or she is. Have you ever wondered why dogs are so lovable? Because they greet us with complete acceptance. If you have a tail, then wag it. If you don't, then smile. Of course there's more to ensuring a good first impression, so let's continue. 

Regarding first impressions, there is something called the
Primacy effect: the process whereby our first impression of another person causes us to interpret his or her subsequent behaviour in a manner consistent with the first impression. In English, this means that our first impression of someone is so crucial because everything we see and hear afterward gets filtered through our initial opinion. In effect you create an image of the person right when you meet him and you see his subsequent behaviours through this image. So if his first im-pression of you is favourable then he will tend to be kinder in his future evaluations of you.

Make that initial moment the very best and the rest of your conversation will be filtered through it, thereby creating a highly favourable impression. Again, that is why smiling is so important. You can do it right away and it says so much about you and all positive.
      Another factor that can dramatically influence how we are initially perceived is that of accessibility and priming. Simply, it's been clearly demonstrated that the ease with which we can recall certain thoughts and ideas colours our perception.

Those who had memorized you with words reckless, conceited, aloof, and stubborn later formed negative impressions of a fictitious person. They viewed him as arrogant and as a person who needlessly took dangerous chances.

However, people who first memorized the words adventurous, self-confident, independent, and persistent later formed positive impressions. Again, this is because these words and their corresponding ideas what they represent were in the front of their minds. And this coloured their perception of a person whom they were "introduced" to for the very first time.
Even though these words had nothing to do with the person, these qualities were "easily accessible" in the people's minds and they hence unconsciously ascribed those traits to somebody whom they then met.
So if you want to make a favourable impression on someone, it would benefit you if that person were to be recently exposed to positive words.

enjoy you day xsedites.

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  1. On point. Am learning a lot here.

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